City Different Investments Blog

Trade Execution

Written by Chris Ryon and Sweta Singh | Jul 30, 2024 7:07:02 PM

A decade ago, fixed income trade analysis was like a country club — very few people had access to it, the asymmetry of information was staggering, and so much of the market was effectively word of mouth.

We’ve come a long way from either looking at the latest trade prints on your Bloomberg or bid/ask quotes from the broker dealer community.

Trade execution always played a significant role in fixed income portfolio performance. But now, thanks to the electronification of trading, much of what used to happen in that proverbial country club has been democratized. 

Why Trade Execution Matters So Much for Bonds

Trade execution is, in a nutshell, the actual process of buying or selling securities (not just clicking the button on Robinhood, but the actual nuts and bolts of how that trade happens — when the security changes hands, how, for how much, etc.). While you probably give little thought to how this plays out when you buy a stock online, trade execution plays a pivotal role in shaping a fixed income portfolio's returns. Unlike equities, where liquidity can be abundant, the bond market is often less transparent and more fragmented. This complexity means that executing trades at the best possible prices takes on added importance — a slight difference in execution prices can significantly impact the overall yield and total return of the portfolio, (especially in a low-yield environment).

Just as important as the pricing of a trade is the timing of that trade. Bonds are especially sensitive to interest rate changes and market conditions; a delay in execution can result in missed opportunities or adverse price movements, affecting the portfolio's performance. For instance, if a portfolio manager anticipates a rate hike, swift execution of trades to adjust the portfolio's duration can protect against potential losses. Conversely, poor timing and execution can lead in the opposite direction.

Effective trade execution also involves selecting the right counterparties and venues. A well-connected portfolio manager can leverage relationships with dealers to access better pricing and liquidity. Additionally, utilizing advanced trading platforms and algorithms can enhance execution efficiency, reducing the bid-ask spreads and transaction costs. In a nutshell, superior trade execution can not only optimize returns but also manage risks more effectively, underscoring its importance in fixed income portfolio management.

Trade Execution Goes Mainstream

In the last few years, we’ve seen market penetration creep up to 35% in corporate credit and almost 20% in municipal securities. This has been a great equalizer because it improved access and liquidity across both smaller and larger players. You can now find trade execution on disparate platforms and marketplaces in various forms: 

  • Request for Quotes
  • Livestreams
  • All-to-All Trading
  • Automated Trading
  • Automated Intelligent Execution

Traders now have access to actionable pre-trade transaction cost analysis which can help optimize trading windows, trade sizes, venues, and market regimes.

At City Different Investments, we’ve taken full advantage of this democratization of trade execution. We not only understand the evolving landscape of fixed income trading, but we’ve committed ourselves to consistently increasing liquidity depth by adding broker dealers and electronic platforms to our trading partner relationships. We leverage proprietary, robust data and advanced analytics to optimize our execution strategies. These, paired with the increased transparency provided by the electronification of fixed income trade execution, places us in a great position to provide surplus value to our partners and clients alike. 


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