City Different Investments Blog

Investment Holding Profile: FTI Consulting

Written by Connor Browne | Oct 7, 2022 7:25:16 PM

Investment Holding Profile: FTI Consulting (FCN)

It’s easy to get caught up in the extreme headlines of short-term market volatility. But it’s important to remember that when you buy a stock, you don’t own a ticker, you own a piece of a business. To distract you from the market's crazy swings, we are profiling the businesses that make up the largest holdings in our SMID Cap Core Strategy.

Today we’re highlighting FTI Consulting (FCN), another top holding as of June 30, 2022.


FTI is a specialty consulting and financial advisory firm focused on restructuring, litigation, risk mitigation, and crisis management. FTI focuses on high-risk events that are incredibly important and one-time in nature for their clients (e.g., bankruptcy). In these situations, clients want a firm with a strong reputation and are less price sensitive. FTI’s clients include global corporations, banks, private equity funds, governments, and leading law firms.

Investment Case

FTI has some elements of countercyclical demand in its restructuring business. This business has been depressed, especially given the significant fiscal and monetary stimulus. If economic conditions weaken, FTI’s restructuring business is likely to improve.


We worry about low levels of consulting demand, restructuring or otherwise.

If you have additional questions about FTI Consulting (FCN) or our SMID Cap Core Strategy, please contact us. Next time, we’ll profile our holding FLEX Ltd. (FLEX).

Important Disclosures:
Investments highlighted were selected based on objective, non-performance-based selection criteria. Names are subject to change.

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The objective of the SMID Cap Core strategy is to generate strong risk-adjusted returns in a focused portfolio of small and mid-cap stocks invested across the business life cycle. Portfolios invest primarily in U.S. stocks with greater than $100 million in market cap. Portfolios typically hold between 20-35 positions, with no position representing more than 10% of the portfolio. Not less than 80% of portfolio assets will be invested in companies whose market cap is within the market cap range of the Russell 2500 Index. The strategy may take on international exposure up to 25% of portfolio assets. An investment in the strategy is subject to certain risks. The value of an investment may fall as well as rise and is not guaranteed. Equities may decline in value due to both real and perceived general market, economic and industry conditions. The strategy could be more volatile than the performance of more diversified portfolios.

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